Sunday 10 June 2007

A new perspective.

Leeds jam yesterday sure was an interesting one...
when i got up in the morning i wasnt thinking about parkour, or going to leeds in perticular.
It was more just routine, knowing what i was doing without thinking about it.

I got to leeds with no problems, did the usall things i do to warm up at the Art Gallerys, quick climb ups, vaults, just the basics really.

The others got here, pete first, were i did the precision to the windowsill with ease, something i couldnt do for a while at my first 5 jams or so, next was scott were we just spoke abit then Tee Pee, Liam, Guy, Brad, pedro. I mucked about abit repeating stuff id done at previous jams around the art gallerys, then i came to the thing iv wanted to do for a while when i was properly warmed up and been training towards, the precision to the red rail. I stood there for a good ten/fifteen minutes, with abit of a crowd gathered.

Untill we all got moved on by security (i swear it said parking attendant on his jacket) im not sure if i would have done that rail precision even if we hadnt been moved, all the same this didnt stop it from pissing me off though getting shifted. I find that since id been a fighter for so long, i treat jumps like fighting, so it feels iv lost when i leave a jump or fail at something.

Any way we moved to the church were i started to build up the rail precision distance going up one step at a time, got to second from top when we got moved on yet again.

When we got to the police station i was feeling crap, i wasnt in the mood, a complete off day, through out the day we moved to spots i felt awfull, but the day did progress a little bit and the odd thing i did cheered me up a little, the amouries were great actually, we had a great game of tig, the first one in ages, i did the tic tac arm jump there and scaled the wall in the main section of the amouries, things iv already done in the past, but this time i did them easyer and with ALOT better technique.

We moved round to the other side of the armouries after guy and brad had a big endever weather to get a juggling ball out of the river or not.

I scaled a big wall on the other side of the armouries after a few go's, and as a was walking down the stairs chuffed with my self, did something that just makes me angry thinking about it, noobish and terrible human error, completly lost me footing going down the stairs and twisted my ankle really wrecking it, masive swelling.

Scott led me back to the train station since i didnt know the quickest way there, which wouldnt be great for my ankle, said my goodbyes and hobbled to the train station and got home just fine.

All today iv been reflecting on everything, watching yamakasi videos, just thinking about how good i want to get, it was odd after yesterday i felt my fire was kind of going out, but today i conditioned a whole lot and im dying to get out feeling great.

For the next two weeks im just gonna condition like a mother bitch and slowly work back into parkour training, it really does feel like a new begining like my lifes been refreshed and im looking forward to the future.


1 comment:

mcquade said...

What did I say about the injury?
..."Absence makes the heart grow fonder" and all that!

You sound determined, don't let it slip, push yourself in some way, EVERY day. Whether it's going for those last 2 pull ups or working on some serious hopping distance, DO IT!

I am gutted you are injured in a way, but I truely believe injuries can be good things. Make the most of this oppotunity.

Peace man

Parkour Energising Britain