Saturday 8 September 2007

Stealth God

Im very bored, i fancy writing up some stuff.
After feeling abit depressed lately, like i dont have the guts i used to, for example i had level arm jumps back in easter and now i dont. But after looking back at old footage back from easter also, i noticed my abilitys are so much more full circle its just my arm jumps are dragging me down every time i spot a level arm jump, its only level arm jumps though i guess my standard ones are feeling prity good at the moment and far better then they ever have.

Thursday Stef came out training since his thumbs out of its cast and were back at school its easy to arange just going out at night, we also got our mate Joss to come out training whos come out twice before and is showing real promise he actually reminds me alot of Blane the way he moves and his build, i just question his dedication is all if he will actually start training parkour and come out often.

I was quite happy with this session, i hadnt gone out properly for like a week and a couple of days as i mashed up my heel abit at the art gallerys.
This was a very nice session, i did alot of responsible teaching, making Stefan and Joss do lots of repitition and very basic fundamentals, i did some nice speedy wall scales, quite big precisions on these stumps in a play park, a noticeable difference that my lil standing jump its getting bigger. I came to a level roof gap that i turned down over a month ago, about 13 steps onto a sort of platform with just enough room to stop and not go off of the edge (this is sounding worse than it is, mite make a video of the footage iv gathered lately with this gap included) it took me about ten or fifteen minutes to get the guts to do it, i think this is quite and acheivement for me as you all know, im apauling with anything height related.

Friday i did a little barefoot training for like an hour or so just up the road, i had a good fun relaxed session in my shorts, landing 360 cats easy and unique creative movements that just came naturally, fast climb ups, i just felt so instinctive all my hard work of night training, barefoot traing and peak district stuff seemed to have payed off. I did some shoulder and bicep based conditioning that night aswell.

Saturday i was ment to be going to notingham but i did wank in my science exam so that went out of that window. It was about three and i realised i was doing nothing so i just stuck my joggers on and went up to notredame and did nice relaxed neat movements, eyed up an arm jump which iv had as a challenge for a little bit now, but left it as i wasnt warmed up properly yet. I heard someone coming round the corner, it was a guy with a leaf blower (you get kicked off instantally when you get seen on the site) i grabbed my stuff and dropped to the floor and didnt get spotted, i moved round the corner of the other part of the school with little to train, but i thought to myself there is always something to do in any enviroment and continued training untill i heard a leaf blower again, i moved round silently (made harder by having to hold a water bottle) checking round walls and noticed there was two of them i remembered Liam had mentioned him and McGuire were coming to tapton today so i set my self the challenge to not get spotted by eather of the guys with leaf blowers so i waited to the one by the gate to start making a raket with his leaf blower again and bombed it round a cornet, scaled over wall and got out unseen, very nice feeling.

While i was in this mood i thought id try and sneak up on Luke and Liam i had a bit of trouble with this as taptons been locked up prity tight now so it was hard to get into silently and over all the broken glass, i heard them talking and trecked round a building then inside of it, got onto the roof after looking out of the window waiting for Luke to turn round got up to the roof sneaked around till i was as close as i could get then just sprinted up on them and met two other guys they were with, trained round tapton for like half an hour untill Liams friend Brandon was to ill to stick around any longer, we trained around notredame a little on the way back were i looked at that big arm jump, i think i mite of been able to do it, but Liams friend was looking really ill at this stage so we set off again.

Ohhh and just thought id mention, on quite a thick peice of wood like part of a shellter i managed to muscle up fairly easy when last time i couldnt even at full strength and this time id been training two days before and done loads of pull ups the night before.

Parkour Energising Britain