Sunday, 27 May 2007

Update in training.

Yes yet again iv been lazy and not updated since my trip to brid ages ago.

Iv done allsorts since, first things that spring to mind are Cambridge, a Jam in leeds, Brimham getting over rail precisions, started working on things i used to dislike, catpass's and Precisions with drops.

The trip to cambridge was Me and Tee Pee were we trained hard and got to alot of spots, not necessarily acomplished much but it was a good fun day were we managed to make a video out of the experience.

My last leeds jam i improved my alot catpass's and noticed that i was alot more comfident with my arm jumps.

Brimham was incredible up on the rocks, i learned and acoplished alot i feel, but it also highlighted how bad my comfidence with precisons at height or with a drop are, but iv started trying to improve them lately.

My sheffield Jam yesterday was good fun were Scott, Liam and Ben came down for the day,
my arm jumps felt great yesterday which was also a reason to start training different techniques, i was suprised at the way spk trained actually, because id been to little jams in the past with them and not enjoyed them or learnt much, alot of them didnt seem to train all that hard or seriously, there were brilliant guys there though like the two Dannys, polish Greg and in perticullay Will, i learnt quite abit off Ben yesterday to be honest, teaching me some catpass techniques after scott had given me a hand with them and alsorts of other things.
At the very end of the day, something really ridiculous that gave me stupid amounts of trouble was this standing jump up to like a shed roof or something im not quite certain, but god this really was giving me trouble, but after a great deal of comfidence building from scott i managed to do it and was happy i hadnt just left it, there was alot more to that though than just another jump it was a big learning kerb for me and a boost in all round comfidence.

il update abit more frequently now, im going to the steel city this tue for a gym day and wakefeild then horbury and probably up to some rocks some time this holiday



Ben said...

keep it up alex,
your progression is ridiculously fast.

make sure you don't do anything so fast that you're getting ahead of yourself.

keep up the good work, and i'll see you later on this week.

keep it up man, Ben. x

mcquade said...

It's been good to see a lot of you recently, and like Ben said your progression is very fast at the moment. Though this progression is very localised to speciffic movements at any one time, you will, over time 'grow out' of this. You wont necessarily stop focusing upon one movement but you will start to see progression in a more general way. Like the huge mental barrier you broke when you did that standing jump onto the roof.

Your abilities are far beyond that of any one of us after the same ammount of time training, and you have the strength to deal with that. I can't wait for you to grow out of this first stage of parkour, when you start to see progression differently etc because that's when you will become really exciting to train with!

What I said might be a touch hard to understand, but give it time and you will see what I mean.

Update your blog!


Parkour Energising Britain